--- openapi: 3.0.2 info: title: Japanese Diet Proceedings Search API version: 0.1.0 description: This is a plugin for searching parliamentary proceedings operated by Automatic Processing Inc. servers: - url: 'https://the-diet-record.automation.jp' description: production environment paths: /query: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/QueryRequest' required: true responses: '200': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/QueryResponse' description: Successful Response '422': content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/HTTPValidationError' description: Validation Error operationId: query_main_query_post summary: Query Main components: schemas: DocumentChunkMetadata: title: DocumentChunkMetadata type: object properties: source: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Source' source_id: title: Source Id type: string url: title: Url type: string creation_date: title: Creation Date type: string the_Diet_member: title: The Diet Member type: string id: title: Id type: string DocumentChunkWithScore: title: DocumentChunkWithScore required: - text - metadata - score type: object properties: id: title: Id type: string text: title: Text type: string metadata: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocumentChunkMetadata' score: title: Score type: number HTTPValidationError: title: HTTPValidationError type: object properties: detail: title: Detail type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ValidationError' Query: title: Query required: - topic type: object properties: topic: title: Topic type: string top_k: title: Top K default: 5 type: integer start_date: title: Start Date type: string end_date: title: End Date type: string the_Diet_member: title: The Diet Member type: string QueryRequest: title: QueryRequest required: - topic type: object properties: topic: title: Topic description: Sentence to be searched type: string top_k: title: Top K description: Number of returns default: 5 type: integer start_date: title: Start Date type: string end_date: title: End Date type: string the_Diet_member: title: The Diet Member description: Diet member type: string example: topic: "最近、私たちの生活費は急激に上昇しています。食品、交通費、光熱費など、日々の生活に必要なもの全てが値上がりしているのです。これは私たちの生活を大きく圧迫し、生活の質を低下させています。特に低所得者や高齢者にとっては、生活が困難になる可能性があります。この問題は、私たち一人一人だけでなく、国全体が直面している課題です。\r\nこのような状況を受けて、国会でも生活費の高騰についての議論が活発に行われています。政府はこの問題にどのように対応するのか、また、私たちの生活を守るために何をするべきなのか、その方策が模索されています。私たちは、国会の議論を注視し、適切な対策が講じられることを期待しています。" top_k: 5 start_date: '2021-04-30' end_date: '2023-04-30' the_Diet_member: 岸田文雄 QueryResponse: title: QueryResponse required: - results type: object properties: results: title: Results type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/QueryResult' QueryResult: title: QueryResult required: - results type: object properties: query: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Query' description: Sentence retrieved results: title: Results type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocumentChunkWithScore' Source: title: Source description: An enumeration. enum: - outside type: string ValidationError: title: ValidationError required: - loc - msg - type type: object properties: loc: title: Location type: array items: anyOf: - type: string - type: integer msg: title: Message type: string type: title: Error Type type: string